Abc local radio nlr sites Thanks to everyone who entered our royal wedding competition.Here are some of the entries that we received and there are so many great stories amongst them. However there could be only one winner, and that was marilyn king who will receive a fantastic prize pack commemorating the royal wedding.Here her story: A family friend invited Us to her daughter wedding. "Us"Being my parent my brothers, myself and my boyfriend.He was american and had only been in australia for a year, living in the city. Brave man decided it might be"An experience"To attend a very small countrytown wedding. The bride mother decided to Cheap Cocktail Dresses 2014 make the puddings, to save cost, so my mother and i offered to help.Trifle was the chosen sweet. I was on cakecutting duty.As mum and her friend soaked the cake in sherry or brandy( "For those too stuckup to have sherry")They just had to sample both. "Quality testing"They called it. As the day progressed we laughed, joked and had fun.Mum and her friend imbibed.Jellies, tinned fruit and custard was added to the cake.Bowls of trifle were everywhere.Another dash of grog, for flavour.After a while, they forgot which Sexy Evening Dresses Shop trifle had grog and which didn so their solution was to give some a dash of brandy or wine, just in case they missed out.I had an appointment so left them to finish off. The reception was held at the local rsl and while guests waited for the bride and groom to arrive, some, well., many, patronised the bar.The wedding party arrival was delayed so the bar did a roaring trade. The groom had hidden his car so it couldn be sabotaged, arranging for a trusted friend to bring it down just before they were due to leave the reception.Sworn to secrecy, the mate wouldn tell anyone. A cheer went up as the bride and groom arrived and, everyone, seated, the official ceremonies began.But a few people objected to their seating so they rearranged the table, just as the toast to the queen began.How dare they! Another start.The queen honoured, telegrams were read. You made your bed now lie in it stop warning stop as you lie in it you make more than whoopee stop" And for the groom"Although you marry her, me and our children still love you stop" Some telegrams should have been rated"X"But they were all read aloud, even though there were young children present. Ribald speeches with innuendos a plenty.Beer, sparkling wine and sherry flowed fast.A rellie of the bride insisted the couple open his present there and then.It consisted of a packet of condoms(Only available at the chemist in that era), several baby napkins, a baby bottle and a dummy. "In case the condoms fail". Most guests laughed.A few of us cringed, because we knew that they had been forced to marry because she was pregnant.The bride father got angry and threatened to"Throw the bugger out". Diplomacy ruled.Grog continued to flow. Desert was brought out.Big bowls of wobbly trifle, set upon the tables so people could serve themselves.The one near us was just cake and custard no jelly and no wine.I guessed it was made towards the end of the day.The next one up had cake, heaps of jelly and custard with large doses of wine and brandy.We all took a serving from each bowl and mixed them together.The table across the room was doing the same. One wag hollered"Who stuffed up the puddings? "A man stood up and said he like to make a toast to the bride grandfather.How touching, i thought. "Jack a good bloke.Salt o the earth.You can find better. (Cheers of agreement)He always help a bloke who down shout him a beer and listen to his troubles. (More Cheers)Let raise our glasses to jack, a great footballer(Cheers)And a longtime supporter of the magpies. " (Cheers and boos) Toasts rang out around the room. To jack and the magpies" A male voice boomed"Down with the Bridesmaid Dresses UK: magpies.Up with the. " He stopped, as a breadroll hit him from across the room.Another magpie hater stood up and began to toast his team, but was pulled back down before he could finish.His mate went to his defence, fists raised.Guests yelled, in support of, and against the culprit.Others left their seats.It was getting ugly.My boyfriend was shocked. An all out brawl was averted when someone said"Let have another keg.On me"Nothing like more beer to put out a grogfueled fire. Finally, it was time for the bride and groom to leave.We all accompanied them out the back to their car.But where was it?Not where it was supposed to be.Someone turned on the outside flood lights and, adorned in streamers, shaving cream, toilet paper and tin cans it was revealed with heavy duty chain attached to the back axle, it was winched up the only tree in the yard.This tree was small, but big enough for his mates to execute their prank.The culprits had left the front wheels touching the ground so the groom opened the door and his mates helped him in.Then he insisted on his bride getting in the other side and his mates were only too keen to help her.They left them dangling there while they splashed beer on the windows, made rude comments and threatened to go home. Having had enough of the larrikinism, the groom started the motor.This shocked his mates into quickly lowering the car.As the back wheels hit the ground, and before the chain was removed, he put the car into gear and gunned it.